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Mission & Purpose

The Eastern Economic Association is a not-for-profit corporation whose object is to promote educational and scholarly exchange on economic affairs. Towards that end, the Association encourages the freedom of research and discussion. In pursuit of these goals it publishes the Eastern Economic Journal, holds an annual conference and meeting of members, and has partnered with the Federal Reserve Bank of New York to provide economic education to college students in our region.

Executive Committee
President: Pinelopi Goldberg
President-Elect: Edward Glaeser
Past-President: Jeffrey Sachs
Treasurer: Natalia Smirnova 
Executive Director: Alexandre Olbrecht
EEJ Co-Editor: Allan Zebedee
EEJ Co-Editor: Cynthia Bansak


Professional Staff

Kristin Kenneavy, Conference Coordinator



Mary Lesser, Executive Director Emeritus

Alexander Olbrecht, Executive Director Emeritus


Should you have any questions using this site, please contact Alex Olbrecht at

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